Friday, Sep. 18, 2015

Sep 18 2015 10:00 AM

Mandatory Senate Code of Official Conduct class. This mandatory training session will provide a comprehensive overview of the Senate Code of Official Conduct, incorporating the recent changes to the Code of Official Conduct due to the passage of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act on September 14, 2007. Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to, the Gifts Rule, third party sponsored Member and staff travel, campaign activity, conflicts of interest, use of the mailing frank, constituent service issues and the prohibition on unofficial office accounts. Attendance at this training session will satisfy the new mandatory ethics training requirement. The 'Individual Certification of Completion of Ethics Training Requirement' form must be completed by Senate personnel and turned in to his or her office Ethics Certification Officer once they receive the mandatory ethics training. The Ethics Committee's financial disclosure lectures are offered apart from this mandatory training session. Those desiring to attend a financial disclosure lecture should contact the Ethics Committee directly at 4-2981.Register