Date Title
12/4/24 Dear Colleague - Guidance for Senate Employees Assisting the Presidential Transition Team Files
5/1/24 Dear Colleague - Guidance on Campaign Activity Files
5/1/24 Dear Colleague - Use of video and photos of official proceedings and events for a campaign purpose Files
1/31/23 Dear Colleague: Updated Travel Regulations Files
7/20/21 Dear Colleague: Updated Guidance on the Purchase and Use of Challenge Coins with attachments Files
6/3/20 Dear Colleague: CARES Act Guidance Files
4/16/20 Dear Colleague: 90-day Extension for CY2019 Annual Financial Disclosure Reports Files
4/11/19 Dear Colleague: Updated Financial Disclosure Threshold Files
1/11/19 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
1/16/18 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
1/12/17 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
6/6/16 Dear Colleague: Guidance on the Purchase and Use of Challenge Coins Files
4/22/16 Dear Colleague: Guidance on Campaign Activity Files
1/9/15 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
1/9/14 Dear Colleague: Electronic Financial Disclosure Files
1/7/14 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
1/3/13 Dear Colleague: Application of the Senate Gifts Rule to Inaugural-Related Events Files
12/10/12 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
6/12/12 Dear Colleague: Use of Tablet Computers Under Interpretative Ruling 444 Files
4/17/12 Dear Colleague: New Requirements Under the STOCK Act Files
3/30/12 Dear Colleague: Placing Holds on Legislation to Restore a Cabinet Secretary’s Salary Files
12/7/11 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files
6/8/11 Dear Colleague: Foreign Travel Per Diem Files
12/31/08 Dear Colleague: Application of the Senate Gifts Rule to Inaugural-Related Events Files
11/20/08 Dear Colleague: Foreign Gifts and Decorations Act Reporting Requirements Files